In 1970, Cherry Lawn music teacher, Mark Kennedy, formed a musical group comprised of himself and some talented students. They played an eclectic mix of original songs written by Mark Kennedy. The group was a source of pride for the school and often performed at special events and traveled to other schools as our ambassadors.


During the 1970-71 school year they made a 33 RPM record with one song on each side. One side is a piece titled "Standing, Lying", and featured a guest vocal by teacher Dale Dreyfuss. The other side is Sour Mash's signature song, "Avery Smith", with student Deni Obrien taking the lead vocals. The group changed personnel slightly as students graduated, and new ones took their spots.


The lineup of Sour Mash at the time of this recording was:


Mark Kennedy, piano and vocals

Deni O'Brien, lead vocalist

George Rothman, electric keyboards

Rob Stokes, guitar

Debbie Dube, guitar

Martin Baumgold, flute

Mary Ellis, flute

Dale Dreyfuss, dramatic recitation on "Standing, Lying"


A later incarnation of the group included:

Doni Remba, guitar

Ed Podolsky, bass guitar

Rita DePastina, lead vocals

Karen "Pokey" Leeds, flute


Many thanks to Deni O'Brien, for providing a copy of the original record for me to digitally remaster and share with everyone.




Click the record labels below to listen to the songs!



Alternately, (especially if you have a slow internet connection) you can right click on the record labels and download/save the songs to your computer.