Reunion  2006

Pear Tree Point Beach

The un-usual suspects

Darien Police acted swiftly, and with military precision in apprehending and 

photographing a group of suspicious characters thought to be members of 

the much feared "Al-Medved" and "L-Zuber"  organizations 

at Cherry Lawn Park on Sunday, July 23, 2006. 

Sara Korzennik, Barbara Birdsey, Laura Schoen, Susan Hubshman, Cynthia Rosen, 

Alese Boltuch, Jim Ferguson, Enid Levinson, Jon Ames

Pix from David Kameras, CLS 70

Pix from Hank Gans, CLS 67

Pix from Dianne Grossman, CLS 68

Pix from Susan Hubshman Siniawsky, CLS 70

Pix from Enid Levinson, CLS 71