Bazz Burwell, who so much wanted to be with us, followed the advice of his doctors and did not make the strenuous trip down from northern Maine. He did, however, send an interesting and poignant letter that was movingly read aloud at the reunion by Paulette Richman Rochelle-Levy, CLS Class of 1959. The text of Bazz's letter is included here.
At the reunion, the proposal was made and endorsed that a Cherry Lawn
School Web page be established on the Internet.
The original plan was for the Web page to include the history and
philosophy of the school, alumni news, and most importantly a Cherry
Lawn School Directory of current addresses of Cherry Lawners --
both students and staff.
And so, here we are. Please let us know what you think. We look for your continued support.
[Special Thanks: The photographs have been kindly provided by Eileen West, CLS'59, who had the good sense to bring a camera. Thanks, Eileen!]